After his adventure in the land of A16 he went to the land of Drama and learnt that he had to do a monologue which was due on week 2 of the next term. He spent 20 minutes sitting down and listening to the instructor of the land talk about how they should present his monologue.
Suddenly, the bell rang this bell indicated that the boy needed to go on another adventure to the land of Recess in the Quadrangle. But the boy did not go to the land of Recess in the Quadrangle. Instead he went to the land of Recess in the Recreation Area near the IA staffroom. In this land the boy discovered that he topped his drama class in the half yearlies ! :D In the land of Recess in the Recreation Area near the IA staffroom the boy along with 3 other people : Nicholas, Jonathan as well as Linda stood there and talked about...stuff ;) Then the boy saw an amazing sight. This sight was a sight of a special being called B4 ! (:O) then boy then left the land of Recess in the Recreation Area near the IA staffroom and moved to the land of Recess in the Quadrangle where he saw people doing their history homework as well as play handball.
Then another bell rang. This time the bell was indicating the boy needed to go to the land of F12 (i think?) and learn about Australian Geography. The boy did not learn much in F12 instead he played with someone (LOL). Another bell rang and the boy went to the land of A12 or something and then the library to do stuff about Australian Protest Poems/Songs.
Another bell rang (so many bells) and the boy went to the land of Lunch on the Quadrangle and ate his lunch as well as play handball with a bunch of losers (jk). Another bell rang (==') and the boy went to the land of (some geo room) where he sat and talked about stuff with his partner Rayan. He also saw some amazing sights like a girl called GiGi Li get into a lot of trouble. As well as 2 lovers (not really) Nicholas and Lynda sit and talk about friends and play a game ;)
The FINAL bell rang and the boy out of the school in Seft-town and stood outside talking to a friend by the name of Tracey about things. Then the boy went home.
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