Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anyone have a link to watch Death Note 2 - Last Name (movie vrsn) ?

One week and ...5 days of our holidays has passed and there are around 4 or 5 days left til we all go back to the land of Sefton and the king has not blogged yet. Reason why? I seriously cbb. But today i m finally bothered to make a comeback to the world of blogs not sure whether i will even finish this post or if i ll even post it.

Anyways, my holidays were ok until i reached the date: 20th July 2009. I m like banned from going into the outside world right now and i m stuck indoors with nothing to do but go on the net and watch dramas/ movies facebook etc.... Started watching Death note this morning. Up to the 2nd Movie then something popped up sayiing that i have watched 72minutes of bla bla bla and i have to wait 50 more minute til i can continue. That left me with nothing to do but to come back to the blogging world. :D I don t even know what to say. Lets talk about my holidays shall we?
Week 1
Monday: Went Parra with Jenny and Anna. Also watched Ice Age 3. Little Kids were everywhere. A perfect place for a pedo like Lucy R Wu :L

Tuesday: I think i stayed home

Wednesday: Wacthed HP 6. Wasn t as good as i expected. Wasn t much action/ fighting either. Had the worst seats ever. he seats right at the front. my neck was in pain ==' couldn t even see much. Should ve went 1 hr earlier.

Thursday: Can t remember. Think I went bankstown with mum.

Friday: Ice Skating. Everytime i fell, my falls got worse and worse. Eventually on my last fall. I completely lost control and literally flew accross the floor and landed on a place where it hurts. Couldn t walk, bend down, sit down and stand back up again until today. Still hurts now but not as much. Once, some guy even pulled me down =='

Saturday: Tutor ! D: OMG ! the first day i put pen to paper and actually think about english, science and math =='

Sunday: Church in the morning then went to Tracey's Birthday Party. At first when i got there i was kinda bored. Nothing happened and everyone was in ther own little group. There was no action going on. Luckily, someone decided that we should play Buzz on PS2 this was when things started happening. After a few games. I played and did random guesses thinking that they were wrong and in the end, I WON ! WOOT ! After Buzz, we played Singstar. Shocking to see how good these people could sing. Jen was pro and so was Christina. It think Edbert was pretty good too. Winnie was good too. Actually, everyone was good. Next was WATER FIGHT ! :D while everyone was preparing the water balloons and other water-ishh stuff. I went out side for a bit and when i turned around i realised that Trendee had locked me out ==' So I stookd there banging on the door begging for someone to open the door while they all looked at me as if i were some animal in a zoo. Tracey s dad was outside too and he just sat there doing nothing =='
Water fight. I didn t participate. Instead i joined the dry people indoors watching crazy lunatics wet each other. :L I had the best seat. Full on front seat action. It was so real except there was a glass door between me and the water. After a few minutes of watching the water fight we alll went to the park and played random stuff. The main game Tips. I wouldve participated but i couldnt cos of what happened on Friday ==' Then we went back in and played Singstar where I had my turn to sing. EPIC FAIL ! I lost all songs except for the one song I did which was: Where d you get your body from against John. :L Apparently it was like HIS song or something (?) I soon got bored of playing SS so i joined a Card playing group where i helped Trendee win a game of ... i think it was 13 and I managed to play one game (and win :D) then my dad called and i had to go home. ==' So gheyy.


Week 2
Monday: Didn t do much. Stayed home, RC-ed, watched Attention Please. It s pretty good. It s a drama to be watched. :D

Tuesday: Mum went TAFE to have some free English lesson just for fun and instead of making me stay home she made me go to my grandparents house ==' There i suffered boredom until my cousin woke up and i went on her computer and RC-ed and msn-ed and yeah. Also found out that Paul s warehouse is have a 50% off sale for DC's sadly, i can t go and get them :(

Wednesday: The day had finally come when i got a haircut. But it feels like i barely have any hair on my head right now O: i m bald ! D:

Thursday: Today was the most boring-est day of the holidays ==' Watched Death note. Msn-ed, RC-ed and thts pretty much what i did for the whole day today. Didn t even eat.

I ll add more next time (: or not

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